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INFANTS: 6 Weeks - 12 Months
We know that most parents are leaving their little one to be cared for by others. At United Learning Center we do our best to put our parents at ease. The period from 6 weeks - 12 months is a critical time for a baby's development. With our Baby World program we work with our babies in developmental stages.
6 Weeks: We help our babies flex their muscles with Tummy Time, Tummy Time, Tummy Time.
7 weeks: Around this mark, the baby is awake and alert more often during the day, so pencil in more playtime. Now they can track moving objects with those beautiful eyes. We slowly shift a ball, rattle, etc. and watch their eyes move back and forth.
2 Months - Making sounds, Mirror play, Discovering hands and feet, Tummy times more fun now because he/she can lift their head now.
3 Months - Time for the soft toys, squeaky toys, rattles to shake. Alternating swing or bouncer time with more Tummy time. By month 3 most Babies can lift their heads up to a 45 degree angle.
4 Months - Your little one is ready for fun, games and conversation.
Milestones - Smiles, Laughs, Likes to play, starts to babble, cries in different ways to show hunger, pain, fatigue, makes vowel sounds, reaches for toys with one hand, watches objects moving side to side, hose head steady, pushes up to elbows, May roll from tummy to back.
5 Months - Your baby is all personality this month. your baby should be settled into a sleep and feeding schedule.
6 Months - This is the month when your baby can start sitting up better. And may also have the baby's first tooth wanting to make an appearance. The days of being able to put your baby down in the middle of the floor, thinking he’ll stay put, are numbered.
Milestones - Likes to look in a mirror, recognizes familiar people, strings vowels together (“ah,” “oh”) and makes consonant sounds (“ba ba ba”), Responds to own name, brings objects to mouth, tries to grab objects that are out of reach, rolls over in both directions.
7 Months - Lots of playing, exploring, discovering and learning is on this month’s agenda. If your baby hasn't already started sitting up then this could be the month! And some super ambitious babies may even begin to creep or crawl.
8 Months - Busy, Busy, Busy — Busy exploring, learning, crawling, moving around and engaging in more sophisticated interactions and play. Baby Talking time.
9 Months - Babbling sounds could now be real. Don't stress if she isn't uttering anything understandable just yet. She will, in time. Regardless, this month the baby begins to take remarkable verbal strides — mostly in the number of words understood.
Milestones - May be clingy with familiar adults, has favorite toys, understands “no”, makes different sounds, uses fingers to point, plays peekaboo, puts things in mouth, moves objects from one hand to another, uses thumb and index finger to pick things up, pulls to stand, crawls.
10 Months - Crawling, standing up, and even walking may be on your baby's agenda this month. And don't be surprised if separation anxiety starts full-force in your 10-month-old too.
11 Months - A few will be able to walk on their own though the majority of babies don’t take their first steps until around 13 1⁄2 months, and many not until considerably later. It's time to bring out the pull and push toys, like the baby doll stroller, the toy shopping cart, or the activity center on wheels that the baby can push around, clap hands, wave bye-bye, bang toys together, raise her arms to be picked up, drink from a cup, pick up a tiny object neatly with the tips of her thumb and forefinger,
12 Months - Your little one is turning 1 this month — Happy Birthday! The first birthday is a milestone from baby to toddler. Now the fun really starts. Terrible 2s here we come.
Milestones - Thoughts to use things correctly like drinking from a cup, follows simple directions, sits without help, May stand alone, may take a few first steps without holding on.
We take pride in going through these steps and milestones with all our babies and you the parents. Together We Nurture, Educate, Love, Repeat.